Wing Chun, Spiritual and Wisdom

My name is Sifu Sung Choi. I write about big ideas and give life advice that doesn’t suck. I also teach wing chun which helps students...

Latest blog posts

10 September 2012
Wing Chun, Kung Fu, Wisdom
Why is Sifu Sung Choi so awesome?

Because he's so keeewllll~ An engineer and a sifu of Wing Chun, combining technical mentally with artistic art brings you explosive powa!!!!

11 September 2012
Wing Chun
What is Siu Lim Tao?

Siu Lim Tao means Little Idea Form. It's getting to know of ones body and how to work with what you have.

12 September 2012
Spiritual, Faith, Wisdom

Read more about the Christian faith and how it impacts my life.

01 February 2017
jekyll, update


Wing Chun Kung Fu Wisdom Spiritual Faith jekyll update

About Me

Sifu Sung Choi is the head instructor (known as Sifu) for West Coast Wing Chun San Diego. Sifu Sung began teaching in San Diego back in 2011 with a very simple goal in mind: bring authentic Ip Man Wing Chun to America’s Finest City. Since then the kwoon (our school) has grown into a family environment where we don’t just train together, we grow together.